Smoking Mirror
Mayan God profound - our Lord
wrapped in a symbol
alluring and incomprehensible
to fair complexioned people
Do you reflect?
Is fumy veil impenetrable
to eyes stung by too earnest eyeful gazing?
And then I wafted in the sacred vapor
and inhaled deep - and blew out
my substance
clinging to waves of smoldering bellows
of dancing
mingling air uncolored
and then saw through and from, and was myself
Oh, Mayan God profound:
breath is a mirror and mirror breath of life
Oh Mayan God profound:
breathe my light
and blow me out
as a perfect reflection of you
riding on the smoke
smoking, smoking
Kindle me with your light
and draw me in and take my light
which was your light
but this time keep me in you
and let my airy remains float away
but my light penetrate you
like a lover,
and be raised up higher than light
For light is instantaneous –
as when I gaze at my instant self
in hard glass -
but you are above same time
you are no time at all
no glass at all
no hard reflector of slow exact light
you are mirror of divine sightless smoke:
Smoking Mirror.
by John Gordon